캡슐컬렉션 '원스 어폰 어 퓨쳐'
Once Upon a Future, the world has fallen to dystopia. The rules that once kept the world in order no longer apply and creatures that lie somewhere between aliens and androids are now living amongst human beings. This June, Gentle Monster presents a new experimental project featuring a fashion film and an exclusive 2018 capsule collection. Titled, “Once Upon a Future,” this new project invites you to explore our imaginings of a world where humans and unidentifiable creatures coexist. This 4-part film series captures momentary interactions between strange neighbors as they navigate their everyday life.
An era of genetic engineering and synthetic biology is upon us. Human beings begin to play God as they test the limitations of their technological advancements. In this abandoned building, a scientist attempts to create his own species. What will become of this newborn creature?
The normalization of human replication has led to an abundance of androids and other unknown entities. It is becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between the original and its reproductions. One never knows when they’ll be overturned by their own clone.
In the future, time does not flow chronologically. It moves in a non-sensical manner and the restraints of the “past, present, and future,” no longer exist. Old and new, past and future, life and death are without meaning. Finally, the tangling of time sets the old man free.
What lies on the other side of an open door will always be met with uncertainty. With so many unknown and changing factors, it becomes difficult to recognize whether the strangers you meet are of your species, or not. In a dimly lit elevator, two unidentifiable beings make a curious encounter.